Posts Tagged ‘student’

“If you want to be great at something” …

19 September 2020

twitter: @eugenio_fouz

Winona Ryder, actress (Unwerth, via @Tumblr)


PhD, sophomore

Diss.I equals PhD, junior (code)

E.F.-Sept. 2020


Reflections on reading and academic writing

7 May 2020

twitter: @eugenio_fouz


Weekly planning. 7.5.20 Thu

1/read and take notes of Criticism: Roland Barthes, Death of the author / RossEaman, History of Journalism / Raymond Williams, Keywords / Northrop Frye, The Anatomy of Criticism

2/read and notice other essays:  (1 / 2 / 3 dealing with the same topic)

3/write annotations about books, reads, ideas & writing drafts (handwriting, typing)

4/read and consult HANDBOOKs on criticism, literature, journalism: (Gregory Castle, Julie Rivkin)

5/consult JSTOR (Journal Storage)

6/read manuals on method (Patrick Dunleavy, Authoring a PhD: How to Plan, Draft, Write …)

7/be always, always curious about style. Read Style Handbooks (Paul J. Silvia, How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing )


E. Fouz.-7.5.2020





My notes on PhD



“Can I borrow a pencil?”

1 November 2018

twitter: @eugenio_fouz

That awkward moment when…

26 February 2015

twitter: @eugenio_fouz

empathizing with the classroom

Mirroring students´s handwriting size to show them our “long, and winding road” to correction

30 June 2014

twitter: @eugenio_fouz

These examination days I found a Lilliputian handwriting on a paper and decided to follow his rules Imagen

{I can´t understand your tiny handwriting, boy


RULES for the student during examination time

11 December 2012

twitter: @eugenio_fouzKids at school

kids at school

1.stay in class relaxed

2.listen to the teacher´s instructions

3.take care that there is not any suspicious stuff around (books, notes or cribs)

4.don´t you dare ask for leaving the classroom to visit the toilets not talk to anyone in class not cheat (avoid looking to a classmate´s examination paper)

7.control time (you are supposed to hand in your examination paper on time and maybe you will have 60 or 90 minutes to sit an exam)

8.once you have the paper first thing to do is writing your name and surname on top of the A4 paper

9.write the date and your class group, if asked case you take a mobile phone with you remember to switch it off before the examination starts all the questions slowly the first question at least twice

13.number every answer

14.try a good calligraphy (not only for the teacher but for yourself)

15.when you think that you have finished the test have a quick review at the whole paper

Good luck!



my life as a teacher and how I became a contestant freak

19 October 2012

twitter: @eugenio_fouz

Pearson ELT

As far as I am concerned I am a twitteraddict but not this time. I came across a competition for teachers on facebook. The issue was about funny stories happening in classrooms where English is spoken. There were some conditions, of course, and brevity was one of them. One should use more than fifteen words.

Well, I knew I had one  or two things to tell and I did. The dialogue that follows was my own part 😉

Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 05:06pm

STUDENT : (says something unintelligible in Shakespeare´s language)
TEACHER: Well, you are not English, are you?

Some specific points in written tests a student should remember

18 September 2012

twitter: @eugenio_fouz

Imogen Cunningham, photographer


In reading comprehension exercises a student doesn´t have to copy literally the words from a text to answer the questions. The right thing to do is using his own words

Whenever a student is asked for an answer, one word is not enough. For example, if the question says “ Are you English?” you shouldn´t answer “No” but “No, I am not” or if the question is “ Can you type?” you should answer “Yes, I can” or “No, I can´t” but never “Yes” or “No”: Show that you understand the question and that you can give right answers.

In an exercise of translation or passing sentences from Spanish into English or the other way round, never leave blank spaces or write Spanish words or French words.

In an exercise of matching  words and images, for example, do not draw lines or arrows, but put numbers next to each word and letters next to the matching image.

When you are asked to fill in the blanks in a grammar or vocabulary exercise, write neatly and show your good handwriting. If you make a mistake, cross out the word or phrase, put a number like this (1) and then, copy that reference (1) below and put the answer there.

Always revise your test before handing in to the teacher. Also have a look at the top part of the A4 paper and check that you have written your personal data (surname, class group, date)



Journalism As Literature

A graduate seminar at the University of Florida


Elements of True Gentlemen

El Lobo está aquí

Disentería literaria


El primer blog de Garrafón en habla hispana

A Guy's Moleskine Notebook

Books. Reflections. Travel.


crear siempre, aprender y guardar la llama