Archive for June 4th, 2024

every day carry / EDC

4 June 2024


Tuesday, 4th June 2024




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Lisa Taddeo 


“Throughout history, men have broken women’s hearts in a particular way,” Taddeo writes in her prologue. “They love and then grow weary and spend weeks and months extricating themselves soundlessly, pulling their tails back into the doorways, drying themselves off, and never calling again.”

The most compelling of the narratives is that of Maggie. When the reader meets her, Maggie is 23 and going to court to confront the teacher named Aaron Knodel with whom she had a relationship as his 17-year-old student in Fargo, North Dakota.

“Men come to insert themselves, they turn a girl into a city,” Taddeo writes of Knodel’s act of seduction. “When they leave, their residue remains, the discoloration on the wood where the sun came through every day for many days, until one day it didn’t.” Taddeo has a habit of mixing metaphors and using similes that don’t always work. At one point Knodel is described as an “avuncular oyster”; in another scene, women sit “pitched forward, like soup tureens in an earthquake”. “The train is moving out of view, its tail slipping like a sword into the trees,” she writes, referring not to a literal train but to the passage of time. She haphazardly switches between tenses – Maggie’s story is told mostly in the present tense; Sloane’s mostly in the past – and the third and second person. There are long lists of evocative details, and full stops where there would traditionally be question marks or commas. In Maggie’s case, at least, the unfairness at the heart of the story is potent despite these attempts at lyricism.’

Three Women 

Lisa Taddeo





r e c o r d a t o r i o 

El sombrero del principito 

E Fouz (Caracas, VENEZUELA)



– – –

That was embarrassing! 


Los enigmas del amor y del deseo 

extracto de la entrevista:

Ustedes dicen algo fuerte: que sólo se puede amar a un varón y que los varones no aman a las mujeres sino que las desean. ¿Cómo se evidencia esto?

-No es que los hombres no aman a las mujeres. Esa frase parte de unas hipótesis que nosotros establecimos en otro libro, Amar a un varón. La intención fue desesencializar la cuestión varón-mujer, masculino-femenino y plantear las cuestiones en torno a conflictos entre el amor y el deseo. Partimos de una idea que Freud pone como concepto: la libido es masculina. Entonces, cuando se ama, se ama a un varón. De hecho, el niño cuando ama a la madre, también la ama como madre fálica y eso después tiene que caer. Lo que se desea es un objeto que causa el deseo. Y en esos términos pusimos que ese objeto de deseo es femenino. Amar un varón y desear una mujer no es en el sentido de varón y mujer como entidades sino en términos del conflicto entre amor y deseo. La diferencia entre amor y deseo es que el amor requiere de la presencia del otro. El deseo también se puede realizar en ausencia. O sea el deseo se puede realizar en fantasías, no requiere de la presencia del otro. De hecho, el deseo está mucho más asociado a la falta. En cambio, el amor es siempre la necesidad de una presencia. No se ama en ausencia.

MARINA ESBORRAZ, La comedia de los sexos



Willie Nelson

You were always on my mind

@YouTube (3:37 m)

You Were Always on My Mind
Canción de Willie Nelson

didn’t love you
Quite as often as I could have
Maybe I didn’t treat you
Quite as good as I should have
If I made you feel second best
Girl I’m sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn’t hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I’m so happy that you’re mine
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
Tell me
Tell me that your sweet love hasn’t died
And give me
Give me one more chance to keep you satisfied
I’ll keep you satisfied
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind


Journalism As Literature

A graduate seminar at the University of Florida


Elements of True Gentlemen

El Lobo está aquí

Disentería literaria


El primer blog de Garrafón en habla hispana

A Guy's Moleskine Notebook

Books. Reflections. Travel.


crear siempre, aprender y guardar la llama